I wrote a post about how cool my dad is here I talked to him yesterday and he's pretty unhappy right now because of the problems my little brother is having. He totaled his car because GPS + executive dysfunction = turning left too soon. This is the 2nd time in a few months that he's fucked up a left turn (got a red light ticket turning left on a red because he was off his meds and foggy), and my dad feels like it's his fault but it's not. No one can know the gaps in an ASD brain except the owner of said brain and part of the dysfunction is not knowing how to articulate the gaps. Lil bro also got booted out of his zoo degree program for failing the safety exam for similar reasons. Locking the gate to keep a large carnivore in its enclosure is a pretty vital step and he missed that. So dad is going to build a mock large carn enclosure and help drill instructions into his brain over and over and over and hopefully he gets it. Dad also learned an entire college textbook of animal behaviors to help drill him in that class too.