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Devac  ·  3144 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Brain Activity Could Be Nudged To Make Healthier Choices

Well, look at it like this:

1. Some animals, including humans, might prefer fermented fruit or nectar containing ethanol over fresh ones if there is an alcohol to be had. Quite interesting source.

2. Alcoholism can destroy health, lives and pose a social stigma that is quite hard to live with. Either as an AA member or not.

Conjecture: It is in human nature to seek altered state of consciousness or preferred taste linked to such substance. What if a person does not have a particular ability to inhibit acting under such impulse?

One might find it as the best reinforcement therapy, influence over choice that happens separate from consciousness. Another person might see that as imposing some (non-zero and therefore unacceptable) level of indoctrination, even when considering possible health and social benefits. Personally I'll take semi-brainwashed order and public health over modern world, but that's not the scientific problem. ;).

As long as it is not the main and preferred treatment, but one extreme that is used if all else fails and person is willing to get it, I don't think we have much to worry. Moderation and scaling are more important, at least in my opinion, than any level of "do we have free will" talks. It's a possible influence, perhaps just like Einstein-Rosen Bridge is 'possible'. You just can't transport any mass through it or it will collapse (these are that unstable) and require energy you see in stars themselves to create. I don't mean to be dismissive, but for all I know it might not even end-up being viable for humans. I don't mean to be dismissive, it's more of a pragmatic "do I even have the ethics and philosophy chops to try have this discussion on a level". Sadly, I know that I don't know enough on the subject.

The 'thought patterns detector' feels more like an early warning system, and might even be something viable within out lives ;).