I didn't realize that densely populated neighborhoods are now war zones... Living is a large city is going to expose you to pollution. Living in a growing city is going to expose you to change and density increases. Its unreasonable to expect the city to stay the same around you and not have shifting traffic patters, and more people driving on your street. So the road wears out early, and has to be repaired theoretically one could use this as an opportunity to build a side walk and build it as a higher volume road. Repairing a residential street should be significantly less disruptive than a major thoroughfare. Yes they do, and they should because they are in the middle of a city and have been resisting density that should have occurred naturally. Instead though zoning and NIMBY actions density wasn't allowed to increase because rich people lived there and they complain the loudest. A lot of areas of town lack proper roads in them because communities complained loudly to keep others out. Nobody wants a large road though their neighborhood but this is the inevitable consequences and is the net most efficient way to get people from one end of town to the other. It turns a livable neighborhood into a war zone.
When a residential street gets 45,000 cars a day, that's the equivalent of 20x the wear it's supposed to get
Instead, quiet neighborhoods take it in the ass.