The thing about this article, and articles like it, is that they look for the most extreme people that they can find at a place like Oberlin, and then write about them as if they represent the entire student body. That's like going to a Republican rally and looking for the people who are both KKK and NRA, then writing about the whole 40% of america's voting population as if they were all so. It's bad writing, it's shit generalization, and it screams "get off my lawn". It railroads over the fact that if you look through the babying, and the unrealistic demands, these people have some serious points. Let's face it, no one actually thinks that the "Taco with sombrero and moustache" costume is actually funny anyways, and what does being a "Sexy Indian" have to do with a spooky holiday? These costumes are inappropriate, and always were - but now the people to whom those symbols belong are calling us on our shit. That's a good point. Should the teacher be disciplined? Of course (of course in my country Free speech does not work the same way as if does in America), but you have to make sure that you are also being the same level of strict with any other kind of racism - Because that's what anti-semitism is, just another form of racism. Jews were seen as a distinct race of people for so long that there is a cultural concept of the jewish people as more than a religious group, but a race - thats why it was so easy to lump them together and hate them. This is the sort of thing, tucked in towards the end of the article, that the article should be written about. When we talk about Black Lives Matter, when we talk about Trans Lives Matter, maybe we should be looking at the broad spectrum of what they're saying and think "Hmm, got a point." As much as America in particular sees protest as part of its civil lifeblood, nobody likes protestors and it's easy to focus on how privileged these kids are. We can't forget though, that it is just this group of people - those who are privileged but feel powerless - who've been moving and shaking for good and bad for over a hundred years. Vietnam protests? Rich kids. Affirmative Action? Rich kids. Minimum wage? Rich kids. Suffragette Movement? Rich kids. Anti-Slavery? Rich Kids. Bolshevik Revolution? Kids of Russian Nobles whose roles had been slowly made redundant by the tsar - and the educated noble women who were told they could never use that education. French Revolution? Rich Merchant class people who wanted a voice in politics, and women of all classes who wanted the same. As you can tell by my examples, some of the things they've done are great, some of theme are terrifying. The last two examples in particular are what happens when you let this shit hang out in a pressure cooker, getting worse and worse until it explodes. Ignore them at your peril.At Yale, the associate head of a residence balked at the suggestion that students avoid potentially offensive Halloween costumes,[...] her remarks were deemed insensitive, especially from someone tasked with fostering a sense of community...
Adams believes that the Oberlin board’s denunciation of Joy Karega’s Facebook posts shows hypervigilance toward anti-Semitism and comparative indifference toward racial oppression.
“There’s been a shift from explicit racism to implicit racism,” she says. “It’s still racism. But now you’re criticized for complaining about it, because you’re allowed to go to college: ‘What are you complaining about? There’s a black President!’