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kleinbl00  ·  2917 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: May 18, 2016

Plex is pretty straightforward. I've got it running on a Mac Mini with a 4TB external hard drive. I have PlexPass which makes it pretty easy to control, and it'll hit iPhone, Android, iPad, PS3 and Chrome. It claims it'll hit AppleTV but I'm not sure I believe it yet.

If I had it to do over again I would not have built it on a Mac Mini. In order to properly transcode media it needs a decent video card and there are no decent video cards in a Mac Mini.

Frankly, considering I've spent two days playing bare-metal restore games with that fucking Mac Mini, I don't think I would do the Mac Mini at all.

And seeing as a software update basically borked the shit out of the Mini, and seeing as the hard drives within not only use a proprietary connector they use proprietary firmware, I think I can safely say that the Mac Mini will be my last Apple product for the foreseeable future.