Rich people get bit by mosquito's as well. Mosquito measures are effective like the pull out method is an effective form of birth control. West Nile was a poor people mosquito disease that's hit up anybody and everybody outside the third world. Zika can be sexually transmitted. Even if it is a poor persons disease pile a few thousand microcephaletic babies on the dole every year, make it endemic to your poor and dispossessed and see how well your local economy fairs. It could be Rio or it could Florida, doesn't matter, it's going to fuck shit up. Hopefully the influential will remember when Aids was a gay disease but now costs about 10 billion a year. The take away from every big disease outbreak is that the world didn't move fast enough. Hopefully the pictures of the messed up kids will push the world to act rapidly and responsibly. I don't expect that the Olympic committee will do the right thing but world leaders might.