Business Insider is what Henry Blodgett built after he was banned from trading forever for insider trading and manipulation. It's a blogspam content factory like any other with some serious biases that's easy to digest by design. Think of it as the clickbait version of Forbes and you aren't far off. There's also no easy way to figure out your taxonomy because corporate structure is state-dependent. That's one reason this whole "Panama papers" thing isn't getting a lot of play in the US - Delaware is every bit the tax haven Panama is, as is Nevada. Most everybody is having to switch from Takata to other vendors. Takata is swamped for the foreseeable future making airbags to replace the shit they already sold. From what I understand there's like a legit war effort underway to plow through this mountain of recalls and it's involving a half-dozen manufacturers already. It's funny. You look at the numbers and Japan's doing...okay... but Mitsubishi is in the tank, Takata is in the tank, Sharp is in the tank... and their pensioners are buying safes to hoard paper bills in. Kinda makes you reconsider all news sources.