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I dont really see the horror of a Mexican wall. Whats wrong with a wall? It may be expensive and not 100% effective but its more effective than the current border protection scheme. I'm not sure it will happen any way due to the cost and inability to get congress to do anything related to funding. If you are saying we dont need the wall then why do we need border patrol at all? Hell why do we even have any border checks. In my mind it either matters or it doesn't and the half assed approach today is just a waste of time and money.

I dont have super high hopes of giant douche being able to accomplish much, but at least he has at leave voiced some very valid criticisms of the system that nobody else really has (Free trade, Iraq mess). If a candidate is aware of the issues facing the country he or she is able to at non 0 but low possibility of addressing them. If hes spouting out stuff about free trade, H1 visas and needless Iraq war being an issue at least that means that stuff is reaching him. And presumably he could if he chose to work to address them. Unfortunately giant douche has not had a great track record of keeping a single position so I had no clue where he stand on most issues only that hes aware that there are issues.

The problem I have with shit sandwitch is that I feel like she is only aware of "issues" facing individual big donors ability to make/steal more money but is completely unaware or unresponsive to the needs of normal people. Shit sandwich has been more constant than giant douche on her positions. Unfortunately she tends to be on the wrong side of most issues pro NAFTA, pro TIPP, pro WAR (Iraq, Syria, even IRAN), pro adding more H1 visas, pro big banks, pro big pharma, pro obamacare, hell she was even on the wrong side of the LGBT rights issue before she changed her mind. Shes basically been on the wrong side (in my opinion) of every major issue in the last decade. Not the mention the Dynastic problems of having 2 Bushes followed by 2 Clinton's as president.

So to answer your question giant douche has a very low bar of "promise" since shit sandwich offers no promise what so ever and has promised to actually work against the interest of the American people. Usually I vote more on social issues but this time around both shit sandwitch and giant douche are pretty socialy liberal so I dont really feel like that's a huge problem. So the only thing left is the lame promises candidates offer during the election.