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NoahTheDuke  ·  3074 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Boardgames!

I play so many games. Right now, the regulars I play are:

- Secret Hitler - My current favorite "hidden roles" game, and a smash hit with most of my group. It does cause a lot of stress and anxiety to a few, though.

- Pandemic - Very easy to get onto the table, very easy to explain, and very easy to lose right when one thinks it's going to work out well. A perennial favorite.

- The Great Dalmuti - Fast and quick, casual enough for near anyone, thinky enough to slow down conversation. A good closer.

- King of Tokyo - Another fun closer. The strategies are getting a little old, so I think I'm gonna pick up the Power Up! expansion, to change up the game.

- Smallworld - My buddy loves this game and has all of the expansion sets, so it hits the table every couple weeks. Plays well with almost every size group, and has enough strategy to stay interesting.

Additionally, my girlfriend and I play Hive and Haggis any time we're out and about. Hive especially is super quick and simple, and a real brain burner once we get into it.