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LuckySteves  ·  3077 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Boardgames!

Love 'em!

Avalon is my favorite, if you get the right people it's just a marvelous experience. I prefer to play with 7 people, which gives Merlin, Percival, Vanilla blue x2, Morgana, Mordred, and Oberon. I skip the assassin when I play, I just dislike the extra win condition.

For a few less people, Tzolk'in is another great one. It's very strategic, but a little complex to set up. Once you learn the rules, it's just great though.

Last recommendation, this time for two players, is Mr. Jack Pocket. You take the role of Sherlock Holmes or Mr. Jack and try to outwit each other. Fantastic game for a couple of people that's really easy to play and set up, but still very strategic.