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You probably don't even realize how annoying you're being.

I doubt you've internalized that you started this discussion by misquoting me, continued it by asking a broad and internet-wide question, and now sit here triumphant by arguing "you're wrong because semantics."

Here's the reality - I made a flippant comment that you misunderstood. I corrected you and humored you. And now, after that tome above, you're here misunderstanding "b-movies" and "blockbusters."

I have demonstrably more knowledge about this subject than you do. I have demonstrated my willingness to share it. But my patience with your conversational style is at an end.

You list ten films. Eight of them were commercial failures. One of them was the most expensive movie the year it was made. Two of them bankrupted studios. And I could write a couple paragraphs about each, but I'm not going to, because you're making this unpleasant and insulting.

Deliberately or not.