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flac  ·  2924 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: April 20, 2016

Folks, if you told me 3 weeks ago where I would be today, I wouldn't believe you for a goddamn second. That my girlfriend would break up with me, and that we would STILL be talking every day. That I would have lost 15 pounds, biked 100 miles, cut down drinking almost altogether, and spent most of every day off a computer. That I would actually be thinking about my feelings, and not hating myself. That I would just be this... good is actually unbelievable to me. I haven't felt this whole and content in years.

Things that would drive me crazy a week ago are not even bothering me. 3 members of my apartment are currently fucking each others' exes without talking about it, and I am fine with that. I turned in my senior capstone yesterday, and I am not even freaking out. My ex told me she wants to go on casual dates with new people, and I was able to be genuinely happy for her.

Sidenote - my ex and I are better friends now than we have been in years. We are brutally honest with each other, and are constantly forcing the other person to grow. Also, we might start making short films together? On the whole, just really happy with everything there.

Unrelated, but I may try an edible today. I haven't gotten high since I started college, and I very plausibly may never get high again, so I figured I may as well do it with people I care about on a beautiful day.

P.S. - I might be moving to Oakland, CA in the fall. Any hubskiers from around the area? I'd love to hear your feelings on it.