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That's Honda - their #1 selling car in the world is the Jazz but they pretty much sat out the US market for about six years because they had to redesign the front end. Purely for crash standards, mind you - really what it comes down to is cars in the US are a lot more likely to hit each other at great speed so NHTSA cares more than most foreign markets. Then there's the varied emissions standards, as we discussed. Try buying a child safety seat in the US vs "rest of world" - everyone else has the same car seats, ours are different. Then there's the fact that the exchange rate on yen virtually doubled between 2007 and 2015, and the fact that the US Government bailed out two out of three automakers. All in all, shit gets tricky. I mean... a Fiat 500 makes perfect sense in Italy. Everything's that big. And you don't have to pay to ship the bitch across the Atlantic and the exchange rate is never an issue. I remember seeing one at the LA Auto Show before everyone had one. We were all "huh. Kinda cute." Then we asked how much and it was like ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME.


That's a legitimate beef every other manufacturer can have with Tesla: they don't have to make money to have money. They can just sell shares.

Right now, Tesla's market cap is $33 billion. GM's market cap is $47 billion.

Last year, Tesla's revenue was $4 billion. GM's revenue was $152 billion.

Last year, Tesla sold 50,000 cars. GM sold 150,000 cars a month.