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Marchionne is salty because Tesla doesn't have to make a profit, while he purchased a troubled asset at fire-sale prices and lo and behold, 8 years later it's still not selling.

It's funny. Peugeot thinks they're coming back. I remember back in the '00s there was a Volvo dealer in Ballard that hung up a Peugeot sign, only to discover that Peugeot would eventually come to their senses. That's kind of like the rest of the world in the American market: your brands have no power here. Daihatsu failed, Mitsubishi failed, Daimler made a small fortune out of a large one, Fiat is flailing.

I reckon it has to do with the massive tweaks world platforms must undergo to meet American safety and emissions standards. I mean, the US Smart Fourtwo is a dog compared to the Canadian one, even. Tesla? Hey, if you get to sell cars at a loss, that makes it easier to look profitable...