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thenewgreen  ·  2946 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Overenthusiastic tagging of #spam in #rpg

I have a sincere question, this is legitimately to gather information so if you could please answer honestly, that would be awesome.

What is your intent when posting to Hubski? Is it to get traction for your website, is it to try and garner discussion around your content? Is Hubski a place you spend any time at beyond posting your content? How many other aggregators do you post your content on? Do you follow anyone or any tags on Hubski? If you were an active member of the Hubski community would you assume that a user that only posts to one site that has the same name as his/hers and has never commented is a spammer?

I think anyone should be allowed to post content so long as it's not overtly offensive. I also think the community has done a pretty good job of dilineating between what is an is not spam. They seem to have perhaps gotten it wrong here though.

Good luck with your site. I know it takes a lot of work.