At a point not too far in the future, this post will become pictures of an artichoke and spinach gratin. Ehmrgad this shit is delicious. I used a recipe from Mollie Katzen's "Vegetable Dishes I Can't Live Without." For those who aren't familiar and/or couldn't tell by the use of "ie" instead of "y" (/snark) Katzen's one of those endearing hippie liberals who doesn't eat things with faces. She runs/is associated with a restaurant in Ithaca, New York (Moosewood) that is very well known for vegetarian-friendly cooking. The only modification I made was that i used lemon-infused olive oil, which holy balls, Batman, you have good ideas sometimes! Here is where the cat was when the timer went off. Here is the finished gratin. The bread crumbs, fwiw, are made by me from bread also made by me. Which is kind of cool. The gratin does not plate prettily at all. Then again, you know what they say about the first slice of anything. The best thing is that I don't even fucking like artichokes and they're pretty damn good in this. When in vegetable dislike, add cheese.