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elizabeth  ·  2957 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: March 30, 2016

My parents just bought a Condo (supposedly ready in 3 years) for their retirement. My Aunt and Uncle have bought quite literally the apartment next door. I don't know what my mom was thinking because my dad will never agree to move from the house. Looks like she convinced him on the argument that 3 years is not soon and he'll be too old to argue then...

I can't wait because in 3 years (when i'll be an established fimmaker) this will give me plenty material for my sitcom. It's a shitstorm coming.

Seriously, now that I moved out I love hearing from my parents because their life is so funny now that I'm not involved in the middle of it. Endless entertainment!

Just a couple weeks ago, they bought tickets to Cuba, drove halfway to the airport until they realized my dad's passport expired. Thankfully, my mom's passport was only expiring one day after their return (she got lucky buying the tickets!) They drove back home, dad took his Russian passport and flew out. Then, once in Cuba all was well until the day before departure when my dad realized he won't be able to come back to Canada without a Visa with his Russian passport. So they went on a crazy adventure trying to urgently get some papers from the Canadian consulate (I'll spare you the details). In this passport expiring extravaganza, my mom realized her Russian passport expired too and that her trip to Russia in a couple weeks was doomed unless she does something so she's currently running around consulates.

As if that was not enough, once back home, my mom was complaining to me because she hid her laptop from theives and could not find in anywhere. Like WTF people! I honestly don't think i'll notice for a long time if they get dementia...