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kleinbl00  ·  3123 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Doug Kass: A Case For Sitting On Cash In 2016

The policy thinking on this was that the banking system had to be preserved at all costs because it wasn't the collapse of the stock market that caused the Great Depression, it was the inability and unwillingness of banks to lend money. Saint Friedman, who the Republicans worship the way the libtards worship Ayn Rand, argued that FDR actually prolonged the great depression by spending money on the New Deal instead of giving it to rich people to hoard.

Infrastructure projects take a lot of time and don't inject cash as quickly as other moves. This is why the Obama administration showered America with money via Cash for Clunkers. TARP was theoretically supposed to help single mothers and Americans threatened with loss of their home, but it was so badly documented and enforced that it mostly went to mortgage holders in good stead.

Like me.

TARP saved my ass about $70k and we haven't missed a payment since the wife bought the house in 2000.