Speaking as a former acoustical consultant: We used to get calls every now and then from folx with grow houses. The DEA would usually put on the warrant "we heard the exhaust fans from a quarter mile away." They would then ask us to testify, as expert witnesses, that there was no f'n way that they heard exhaust fans from a quarter mile away. We never took those cases, but there was no f'n way they heard exhaust fans. They got their information illegally and they tarted it up so it might stick. Law enforcement, in my experience, is a lazy, corner-cutting world. Not to say they won't sniff the fuck out of every packet coming across the wire... but until a gag order gets imposed upon law enforcement internet requests, law enforcement isn't likely to do any hacking. You're right - unencrypted shit for sure. And they'll never tell anyone. They'll say they heard the exhaust fans from a quarter mile away. I've heard for fifteen years about the booze on the loyalty card records used to discredit the plaintiff suing for slip'n'fall. To the best of my knowledge, it remains a myth. It won't take too many nasty cases before everyone starts insisting on their shit being encrypted. But it'll take a few.