Was gonna say: pointy-haired bosses are the dominant species and, like most things, the average user will only ever use 5% of what's being offered. The cloud products will give them 95% of what they want and, since they don't understand the problem at all, they'll accept that the remaining 5% is entirely and completely out of reach, rather than grapple with the nuances of what you get from running on your own iron. I mean, I've got a Synology hitting five computers over two managed switches and you know what a moron I am. I provide tech support to a guy who provides tech support to an entire university. Microsoft created this entire culture of cloistered MSCAs, MSCDs, MSCEs and other ETLAs to basically convince people that they can't do this shit on their own; everyone else said "fukkit, put it on the cloud and you can ditch the nerds" and it made a compelling argument.