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someguyfromcanada  ·  2988 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Tones on Tail - You, The Night, and The Music

That is a tough question since most of us can not remember what we have forgotten.

But I I came up with a choice. I heard this in a (pre-internet) record store when I was a teenager, they wouldn't sell it to me and I could not read the liner notes as they were in Russian. But I remembered the name and searched in every store I could. Never found it and never met anyone that had heard of it so I forgot about it. Then 20 years or so later I googled "Soviet Funk Jazz 1970s" and finally found it.

Melodiya Ensemble - Fiery River [1974] [Soviet jazz-funk]

edit: Here is another one. I was thinking about what pop song I loved when I was little. TIL: 1) Henry Gross was a founding member of Sha Na Na; 2) at 18 was the youngest person to perform on the Woodstock main stage; and 3) the song was written about the death of The Beach Boy's Carl Wilson's Irish Setter.

Henry Gross - Shannon [1976]