Now you've given me another chance to do you a favor. If telling you to stop thinking like a small minded prick hurts than you need to get over some shit. I don't follow you, you don't follow me, I'm just some guy on the internet and my opinion shouldn't amount to a hill of beans aside from being one of a bazillion opinions to bounce yourself off of. In needing to get over some assholes opinion on the internet being an issue to get over, you are not alone. Hubski has lost some of it's best and brightest to this particular affliction. It's been the occasion for many a dust up, a block, a mute and a rage quit. It's even been the occasion for many a plaintive whine. You really shouldn't give an emotional damn about my opinion of you. You might consider my arguments about the lack of homogeneity of the drug using population. You might consider that drugs use can be a positive or fun experience for some or many users. Every recreational pastime that large numbers of humans engage in probably has some upsides and downsides. By no means would I think that your opinions on drugs or your perception of drug users would change overnight. I would hope that my comments might give you a new perspective on an issue which you have many preconceptions but no practical experience with. I do fear that I might have painted too rosy a picture with my comment. I've seen lives delayed, derailed, minds shattered, health compromised, families and trust destroyed by drugs. To be on the safe side one should avoid heroin, meth, cocaine and alcohol if they are of the faint of heart. They can all lead down the road to ruin. Just like too much Pokemon, comics, Star Trek, video game music, anime or so so many other things, there are very few things more annoying than a hardcore drug enthusiast. A person who thinks only of their favorite drug, talks only about their favorite drug, does only their favorite drug is a child in an adults body. They are a boor. A single minded love of drugs isn't meritorious. It doesn't have to be perilous to negative. briandmyers the comment isn't not directed at him. He obviously has some false ideas of what and who drug users are and would benefit from reexamining his beliefs (which is to some extent what he seems to be trying to do, I just think he could use a little shove). In conclusion. Don't be hurt. I've been a small minded prick about oh so many things, innumerable things. I can say with certainty that I must be a small minded prick about many other things that no one has called me out on to this very day and I'd thank them to get me started on reexamining my perception even if those thanks started with a fuck you. Most people do or have done some kind of drug in their life and the world keeps on turning. They can be fun, they can be dangerous, they can open and heal minds they can lead to ruin. Hope I've at least given you some thing to consider and don't give a damn about my opinion of the position you now hold if you want to consider your self mentally healthy.