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sounds_sound · 4592 days ago · link · · parent · post: This is how you *dont* write an article about trans issues
Thank you for picking up on my more general point that I was getting at before I went to bed last night, and that's about the words we use to describe each other. When I read a post like Trans 101 in all of its objective definiteness and then read this original post which I must say feels pedantic, then I just think what an exhausting exercise it must be. I really salute you Laurelai for your unwavering drive to have transgender persons be treated equally, but at what point do you become a watch dog? And I'm not saying that as a dig on you personally, because I don't know you, but I'm posing it as a serious question. I'm about as majority as one can get. I'm a white american straight educated male. As a transgender person, how do you draw the line between what you represent as a member of something and the individual that your are? What is worth fighting for?