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cgod  ·  2986 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: 164th Weekly "Share Some Music You've Been Into Lately" Thread

I don't own much Ali Farka Touré but the stuff I have is great.

There is this other famous African guitarist that I've been listening to at work and I just can't get his name out of my head. It's on my iTunes but I can't find it. Pretty sure you will dig it if I can dig it out.

You should listen to the festival in the Desert compilation has a bunch of people in that genera on it including Ali.

I know how yellow you are when it comes to downloading music links off the net but if this is what it says it is you should hear it. Super gentle and beautiful African guitar with great vocal harmonies.


Maybe you can find it on one of your fancy new fangled music streaming services, it's called Capital Music Store Nairobi: 12 of the Best. I really love it, it's not bad assed like Ali but it's so lovely. I'd be surprised if anyone is hoping to infect your computerz with old obscure gentle African guitar jams.

You can't go wrong with Thomas Mapfumo

Other African Jams I've been digging.

I'm sure I've posted this before https://sahelsounds.bandcamp.com/track/hamadth-kah-ce-weeti

play this track at 1:28:00 or so for the super jam.

Playing some highlife stuff from Ghana and surrounding countries as well.

I've got like 80 hours a week to play albums right now.