I'll get a hesitant round for everyone, because I might actually have money for the next four years. I heard back yesterday about a wonderful full-ride (plus some extra stuff) scholarship from my third pick school. I have to fly out there towards the end of March for some interviews and dinners and what not, but I'm a finalist at least. I'm glad my hours and stress from writing five extra essays is so close to paying off. Now I just have stand out from a bunch of other overly qualified candidates. Hopefully even if it's not the full ride, I get a pretty good scholarship still. I've gotten great ones from other schools (to the point where I don't care what the local state college says, because the private schools will cost me less), so unless I get the full-ride, I may go elsewhere. But this is still all very exciting, and it's nice to see my work pay off and finally have a chance to relax. Now the my bragski is done, has anyone ever done a musical? Especially if you've been in the pit orchestra. Tech week is next week, and I'm not sure I'm ready for spending 14 hours at school a week from today. I have next Tuesday off though, so the poor juniors can take the ACT. So more bragski. It's been a good week.