Right now, what's rustling my jimmies is not being at home. We are in Michigan visiting family and have been here since the 18th. We leave to go back to NC on the 27th. That's a long time away. I need my home, my bed etc. I have been here without my toiletries bag that I normally travel with so I'm using a new toothbrush, razor etc. I don't have my normal "make steve look and feel clean" pals. I feel dirty. I packed two pair of jeans and got blue frosting on one pair and the other pair ripped a hole in the crotch. -My jimmy rustled my pants apparently. So, I'm now donning a pair of jeans with a big hole. I'm looking forward to getting back to NC. It's like 40 degrees in Michigan, which isn't cold but isn't warm. It's raining and gray. In NC it's 70 degrees out and sunny. While I prefer my Christmas with snow, in lieu of it I'll take 70 and sunny. I have no complaints really, nothing is TRULY rustling my junk, but I am a bit homesick. Which is odd, because I would normally say that I'm homesick for MI. I guess the tables are turning and I am becoming a North Carolinian. Great post btw. Good luck with the ex-unit.