Saturday: went to a party and drank a lot of beer and listened to good music. Sunday: went to a market, got great coffee, went to a great concert at an all ages, very much DIY venue. Monday: finished reading a book. Tuesday: went to a panel comprised of the people who run Kill Rock Stars, K Records, and one of the local community stations that I'm starting to get involved with, about making equitable music. Turns out their person who's in charge of recruiting went to another college in the city I went to college in and was involved with their station and we have mutual connections. Also turns out they recently lost their Development Director, which was my position for 3 years of college. I want to be in the right place at the right time. I have so much more passion for these kinds of things than my job or anything else. Planning out gear purchases for recording too. Wednesday: debating going to a Modern Baseball / Jeff Rosenstock concert in Seattle after work and dealing with a 12 hour shift tomorrow on maybe 3.5 hours of sleep. Help.