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Cultural appropriation != cultural exchange. If you are taking on parts of a minority culture because of a genuine interest or desire to raise awareness, with no ulterior motives then yeah, you do you. If at any point a power dynamic comes into play, or it is because it is the trendy thing to be doing at the time, then you have cultural appropriation, which further marginalizes the culture in question. The context matters. arguewithatree is right, until we start listening, and until we start acting your'e going to continue to see shouting. If that turns you off, well, what else can you expect? These are the people who don't have much and whose very culture is the thing that other people are profiting from or passing off as their own, or as a costume, or something of insignificance. I don't blame them for shouting, but yes, sometimes there could be more a why thrown in there.

    As an upper middle class white guy from the suburbs of New York

This was a wholly unnecessary qualifier.