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user-inactivated  ·  3106 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Ask Hubski: How do you fight loneliness?

Somewhat like you - and it's something I failed to mention in the original reply in the thread - I listen to the music when I feel down (I'm having a hard time distinguishing my feelings, so it's either I'm down, neutral or up most of the time). I lie down, put on the minor-mood music (the deeper I feel, the deeper the mood - I've classified them with three steps of mood in the collection) and think about what happened, or what I might do. Thankfully, I've developed enough of a self-repair mechanics in my mind to prevent myself from drowning into the self-beating thoughts I got so used to having; as I lay down, I help myself work through whatever I feel, and learning about my feelings - for which I have no innate sense and idea - helps me feel fine, bring myself back to stable.