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thenewgreen  ·  3151 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Neat Freaks and Household Cleaners: Seeking Advice

Okay, I'm going to divulge things you ought not divulge.

I use a cleaning service.

My wife is the most meticulous person you've never met. Our house "messy," is cleaner than just about anyone reading this's house.

The home I grew up in was disgusting. We had dogs and they'd shit in the house and the poop would sit there, on the carpet so long that it would get hard. Why? Not because my parents weren't in the house but because neither wanted to be the one to clean it.


I'm not at that level of grossness, but I'm also not at my wife's meticulous level. Once a week we have a company come and clean our home. We've had the same women for the past three years. They're amazing. My children love them, they love my children and frankly, I love them. They're awesome.

It's insanely affordable, if you think about it from an opportunity cost standpoint. I'll just say that it's less than $100 a week and the amount of time and cleaning products it saves us is worth it. We can allocate that time towards our careers, which in turn makes us more money than the cleaners cost. -It's a no-brainer for us.

Now... having grown up in a slovenly situation, I didn't realize how much I would LLLLLOOOOVVVVEEEE having a clean home until I met my wife. It's amazing. It literally makes me happier and more productive. No joke.

Therefore, I think that if you had a cleaning company come in and clean, your roommates would dig it. Then, you can have them share in the weekly expense.

Would you spend $25 a week to have a professional team come out and clean your home?

Also, I thought you bought a house? What happened with that? Am I crazy?