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bhrgunatha  ·  3332 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A nice problem from SICP

The obvious answer is to memoize count-change.

A similar approach is to use dynamic programming.

In python:

    coin_value = [0, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50]

def count_change(change):

return count(change, len(coin_value))

def count(change, num_coins):

result=[[0 for j in range(num_coins)] for i in range(change + 1)]

for i in range(change + 1):

for j in range(num_coins):

if i == 0: # exact change IS possible with given coin_value

result[i][j] = 1

elif j == 0: # no coins left, still change to give

result[i][j] = 0

elif coin_value[j] > i: # current coin is too large

result[i][j] = result[i][j-1]

else: # tally how many ways we can get here from previous results

result[i][j] = result[i-coin_value[j]][j] + result[i][j-1]

return result[change][num_coins-1]

    >>> from count_change import count_change

>>> count_change(100)