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bhrgunatha  ·  3418 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How do you listen to all the music you want to listen to


There isn't enough time to do all of the things we want in life because it's hard to set priorities.

It's hard to set priorities because we don't have a direction, there are lots of attractive things pulling us in all directions and we can't choose between them.

Find your direction!

What's really important to you?

Once you know that, you focus on that and ignore all the other shit that your mental chatter tells you is important (but really isn't.)

- How do you know what's really important?

Make a list.

Force yourself to choose the 3 most important things.

- Can't choose 3?

Use a dice or a coin or a random number and use that.

Pay very, very close attention to your feelings while you're doing this.

If you feel uncomfortable with the random choices it's because deep down you're attached more to some of those choices than others.

HA HA - I wasn't talking about music I was talking about your life, but you can still use this for choosing music.