Having a culture produce too many art works is not a bad position to be in, yes certain markets and trends become over-saturated but that doesn't have to negate the value of each work and I'd even argue that you don't have to try to create a work that is special and unique and does something nobody else does.
The value comes from how well a work of art is executed, and having an abundance of works simply means that everybody's individual tastes are catered to at varying levels.
I've struggled with the same problem as you, every time I do something creative I look at what other people have created and just give up, delete it, shake my head and move on. I'm dying to find a way I can express myself and make it compelling to others; there's one trick that I've found helps to get over that barrier and I would like to share with you: just do it anyway. Just say f* whether anybody likes it or not, or listens to it, or reads it, or watches it (I did pop in to the livestream but it's not my sort of thing and I am poor, sorry!), and make it and release it; the worst that will happen is you'll get ignored, most likely you'll get advice on making it better, and at best somebody out there will find it really resonates with them and be inspired to do something themselves.