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tacocat  ·  3203 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: As someone who can't stand Nolan's movies, this is way too funny.

Nolan's movies in general or his Batman movies? Memento is probably one of my favorite movies and The Prestige is a two and a half hour magic trick that tells you the secret at the end, weird sci fi Tesla aside. I haven't seen Interstellar but he's a pretty solid storyteller even if he relies on a twist or gimmick. Like M. Night Shamalyan if he actually put effort into more than 1-2 movies.

His Batman movies are Batman movies made by someone who doesn't like Batman. The sole detective feat I can think of is magically pulling a fingerprint off a bullet using a 3-D scanner or some nonsense. I still like them for being well produced and handling he character with dramatic weight and realism but they're terrible in terms of being Batman stories. The only faithful adaptation of Batman to the screen is The Animated Series and Zack Snyder is looking like he's going for a 1000 batting average of film missing the point of the character being a detective instead of Iron Man without palm lasers.