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querx  ·  3457 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How To Stop Windows 10's Spying Ads

In my opinion - forget about privacy when using commercial products. For sure, you can "disable" the ad-tracking-ID in Settings but the big question is: "Does it really helps?"

Nope. It doesn't. Turning privacy intruding settings to "off" is merely giving a false sense of security - "I turned it off, and because I trust Microsoft and - more importantly - I accepted those Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, it's logically for me, that it is disabled."

If you distrust Microsoft and it's ToS or Privacy Policy are presenting an issue to you - go for a Linux distro. The possibility that something there is backdoored, spying, etc. is practically seen much lower than by commercial operating systems, like OS X and Windows, as it's Open Source (although this doesn't make it bullet-proof or perfect). But of course, you just won't get that comfort as by using Windows 10.

    You can't get 100% privacy and 100% comfort. Choose the percentage that suits you. Although sometimes there is a limit for privacy.