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randomuser · 3456 days ago · link · · parent · post: How do you know if something's worth of a tattoo?
You aren't paying him, you're paying the shop. As a tattoo artist a pretty standard is 50% do the shop to keep. You pay what you think the artist is worth plus the job. Depending on The size of the piece, every time you sit down to work on it. So if it's a $150 piece, probably tip $20-50, on a $3000 piece, tip a few hundred. That artist put a lot of wok into putting something permanent on your body. It isn't easy to do well either, it's a skill, and the machine sake a toll on your hand every time you do a tattoo.What's that about? I thought I'm already paying him or her hefty for the work they do. I'm not familiar with tipping at all, for we don't have such a culture here - or I'm just an ignorant fellow. Should I tip as I pay?