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First and foremost: I am not following Grendel. He was the first person to follow me on Hubski, so he held a special place in my heart... Until I saw he spent most of his time posting a shit-ton of flame bait and filling my feed up with bullshit.

In any case, a lot of what you're saying is genuinely pretty scary.

    ... block people who associate with the True Guilty, such as Grendel.

    ... you and others like you
Am I the only one who thinks this reads like I'm part of some group of scumbags?

    You're not guilty by association, and I want to make a special point about this... I am morally opposed to blocking you, but I feel it is ethically necessary unless you stop following Grendel.
I'm finding it difficult to find the part where this isn't guilt by association.

And this comment you made a little bit up there is fairly... Extreme, to say the least.

In any case, I'm not saying you're wrong or that you don't have a point; however you sound just as consumed in hatred as Grendel does when he's having a good day. Even to the point where you're willing to throw others under the bus (who aren't even associated with him, by the way!) on account of your hatred for him.

I was looking through your profile, and to be honest you seem like a sound enough fellow when you're not discussing Grendel. Honestly, if I stumbled across your profile in any other circumstance I would actually follow you (I'm struggling to learn Python, and have a passing interest in Philosophy. Currently started reading the Republic actually).

In any case, if you feel you have to block people who have associated with Grendel, then by all means do your thing. However, just my 2 cents: be careful that you don't turn into the evil you're trying to stomp out. Good luck!