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RicePaddy · 3468 days ago · link · · parent · post: Do you use the mute function for ideological reasons? Other reasons beyond avoiding hostility? As a downvote button? Future impact?
Don't block me... Pls... :c No but seriously, I'm guilty by association? I don't always circle-dot things because I agree with them though, sometimes I circle-dot things that I disagree with, but spawned a decent discussion. How do you use the circle-dot button, or how do you feel a Hubskier 'should' use it? In the specific case of Grendel, I disagree with probably about 80% of the stuff he says/posts (he's been posting some decent science-y stuff recently, it seems). When it comes to the race/gender issues that gained him notoriety I probably disagree somewhere along the lines of 98%. It's like he takes the absolute extreme opposite view to the average hubskier (or the average anyone really).