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kleinbl00  ·  3198 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Explaining white privilege to a broke white person

Do you see what you just did?

I, as an individual, said "This is my individual experience."

You, as an individual, said "statistically, your individual experience is invalid."

In other words, you're arguing that things I have personally experienced do not matter because your generalization of the subject disagrees. Every argument you make deprecates my experience. You aren't even putting up data - you're effectively saying "your experience is a corner case, stop talking about it because it's not valid because the preponderance of truth is on my side, trust me on this."

You're doing exactly what I said has been my experience.

    Now I tend to think that the problem is that being privileged means that they are often sheltered from ever being lumped within a specific group, especially one that has negative traits associated with it and is so fundamental to their person, so when they hear "white privilege" they think, "Fuck that, I'm an individual, you can't lump me in with all other white people".

And here you are, not even acknowledging me or my experience, but choosing instead to have a debate about a straw man. You aren't talking to me, you aren't talking about me, you're saying "here's this construct that I'd prefer to discuss so that I can disregard your opinion."

Effectively, you've taken an individual, discussing an individual experience, and sweeping it up into the exact same broad "STFU white boy" conversation that I opened my point by decrying.

Do you see why you can't do that and have a reasonable discussion?