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War  ·  3207 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Conversation With White People on Race

That's super odd that they were all so skittish about race. My university is pretty diverse, and the white people that attend tend to be extremely opinionated about topics like these. Yea they will try to deflect from time to time, but they aren't afraid to have a conversation.

There were a few comments I loved. The dude that said that racial blindness is only being brought up by white people, I agree with that. I don't get the idea of racial blindness. I have no interesting in shedding my race and everything that comes with it. I understand that different races have different aspects about them. I respect their differences, and live my life. I don't get why we have to look past race for whatever reason.

The other interesting comment was the person that said she never knew she had a racial identity. She never knew what it meant to be white because she never had to. That was an interesting point because I always think about my race. Maybe not always, but I think about it a lot. It is something that has come to define who I am. I mean I could tell you a lot about where my family came from, but I have friends who tell me they are mix of a whole bunch of stuff that they know nothing about. For white people it doesn't seem to be such a large defining characteristic or at least it didn't before.