Thank you a lot for this share! A really good interview with a very well-spoken Max Blumenthal. As an arab israeli, 48arab, palestinan or whatever people like to call us, living in Israel is not easy. Being politically active and voicing your opinion, which is considered left in Israel makes it even more complicated. Lately, Israeli politicians and the media are in active war against "leftist" organisations. If it interests you, Breaking The Silence is an organisation that documents the testimonies of Israeli soldiers that served in the past operations and publishes them. They have recently published a booklet that specifically includes testimonies from Protective Edge that is very interesting to read. They also have a book about past testimonies. They initially started with soldiers who decided to speak up about what is happening in Hebron for the past decades (after the massacre). Breaking The Silence are considered to be traitors on the israeli street and people accuse them of being funded by external organisations that want to delegitimise Israel ((the new favorite buzzphrase in israeli media).