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cgod · 3491 days ago · link · · parent · post: Do you feel that Reddit culture has had a negative influence on your ability to hold reasoned discussion?
I just left that job but am picking up shifts here and there while my next thing gets going. Not in the loop enough to get any one to buy anything. Not that management listened to what employees wanted anyway. Strange job, work from the neck down. Never bother management and they'll never bother you as long as the till was right, the cops didn't show up and no customers complained. I only saw the owner every few months, he'd come in the morning before any one else, count the till, do paperwork and leave. We'd text if there was a problem. One manager was a big dummy who no one in their right mind paid any attention too the other was vaguely useful and cool for the 3-4 hours you might see her on any given day.