One time, I went to an art show to support some friends who were doing poetry at the show about a year and half ago. Anyways, we ran into this white racist that kept going on and on about how all Asians and Africans were mongrels and how it was sad that blue eyes were fading away. One of my friends took offensive to this and started challenging her on it and she just went to him and said, "If you don't like it, you can just call me Nazi Lady." Anyways, when my friends were up doing poetry, she just kept jeering them but was eventually thrown out. She was upset by this and when she went to the jacket rack to get her coat, she took mine by accident. Now I am 5'5 130 and had an extra small London Fog pea coat. This woman was about a size 14 but for some reason decided to take my jacket which wasn't even close to her size and didn't even looking like hers. I think she had some sort of brownish jacket that night. Anyways, she managed to walk about a block and half before realizing the jacket isn't hers and left it a restaurant's lost and found but I didn't find out about that until the next day when she responded to an email of mine asking where my jacket was. I found my jacket at the lost and found but I never saw the woman again. I did write a poem about this incident and have performed it many times.