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cgod  ·  3544 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Germany to legislate 30 percent quota for women on company boards

So, about 450,000 people pay alimony in the U.S. I'd say that alimony is far from making marriage tantamount to suicide when it's effecting 00.14% of the U.S. population. Sure, injustice anywhere should be viewed as injustice everywhere... Anyway in 2010 3% of the people receiving alimony were men and divorce lawyers across the nation have since reported that it's a trend that is increasing. Alimony is also facing the stiff winds of reform all across the nation. If alimony is a scourge inflicted upon men it's definitely facing far reaching changes. Hooofuckingray for the poor men!

But, but, men can be convicted for raping their wives with no evidence or raping other women with no evidence. Sure injustice happens, the courts get stuff wrong, generally the legal system is more than equitable for White males, but I don't suspect you can believe it. Waaaaayyyy more women will never see their rapist get convicted for their crimes than there will ever be men falsely accused and convicted of rape. I'm not going to try to dig out statistics, and I don't suspect you would care, but it would pretty much be like comparing the size of the sun to the size of the moon. Marital rape does happen, it can be pretty fucking awful, but I don't expect you would care. There are many reasons why men don't get charged with or convicted of rape, some of which are the victims "fault" but I suspect that it doesn't have any impact on this discussion, nor will anything have an impact on this discussion.

As far as feminist just being filled with hate for men and boys and you've talked to a lot of feminist and blah blah blah. I've both known and dated a number of self avowed feminist. I've slept with a number of them and never once been charged with rape! I mean not even once! While all we have here is anecdotal evidence, all the vicious man hating feminist that you've talked to, all the feminist that have wrapped their lips around my cock after making me dinner... I think somehow we have had very different experiences. I'll admit that feminist aren't really concerned with making the lives of men and boys better. They are primarily concerned with making the lives of women better. I've found that they are mostly interested in living in an equitable society where men and women have equal opportunities and women don't have to be sexually harassed, make less money, get promoted less, listen to a historical narrative where men are the only ones that matter and so on and so on, but shit, I'm a pretty good cook and am in no way afraid of lady parts (I'm all about equity). I'll admit that I haven't always seen eye to eye with my feminist friends. I still don't understand why it's wrong to say "Mankind" when talking about the historical human experience but it's not wrong to say "Man hole cover" when talking about the metal disk in the middle of the street. Overall I'd say feminist are pretty awesome to date, they are generally well read critical thinkers, who can hold their own in a conversation or debate, probably not qualities valued by your average MRA advocate.

Yes I do think that you are creepy and paranoid. You are the front line of a cynical, hateful machine that gleefully counts it's money while it twists the minds of men. There is so much injustice and misfortune in the world. I find that my Black friends don't bitch and moan near as much about the really abhorrent things that happen to them in proportion to the way that a White man can bitch about the slightest whiff of inequity. Yo, I read your opinions about AA, you have no perspective at all on what others have to face in this world. It's no surprise when a MRA advocates marriage goes south, any relationship based on she spends the paycheck and he gets to fuck her, have her cook dinner and raise the kids, is bound to be contentious when divorce happens. MRA's are just another shade of those who spend their time hating on Jew's, Blacks, Immigrants, The Homeless or any other marginalized group.

Yes, yes, men have rights too. They have way more rights than everyone else, especially when they are White men. Society is generally becoming more equitable. Are there anecdotal points where men get fucked over? Hell yes there are. Is it in anyway in proportion to the way that every other person who isn't a White man gets fucked over? No. Are there some vile hateful feminist out there with extreme views that in no way lead to a just and equitable society? Of course there are, you'll find such people in every walk of life but they are the minority.

MRA's are guys who either got into terrible marriages built on misogyny and now have to pay the price of the fact that their relationships that were built on fucking sand or guys that can't get a decent piece of trim at any cost what so ever. Which ever one you are, it's time to reexamine your life, you can do better. The whole MRA movement follows a pretty standard script, identify and marginalized population, find a few anecdotes of that population hurting the most powerful segment of society, demonize them, get the marginal crazy members to persecute them and watch the guys at the top profit and become powerful. It's what the anti-Semites do with the Jews, it's White power organizations do with the Blacks, the right does it to the immigrants and the gays we could find examples big and small. You are being baited into hating a group you know nothing about, you are part of one of the most privileged groups in all of human history and you are straight up bitch whining about your fate.

I held some hateful views in my youth, they were generally targeted at minority groups who were getting a smaller slice of the pie than I did. If I hadn't been throw into the larger world and lived, worked with, befriended, depended, loved and valued, gays, lesbians, blacks, immigrants, feminists, fat people the disabled I'd probably still be the vicious prick I was as a young man. I'm lucky. I've seen how unfair life is, I know how easy I've had it. Your afraid that you're not going to be able to keep flying first class when SJW just want to enable everyone to fly coach. I can understand your rage and fear, society has told you and given you an unprecedented level of privileged and justice and when a few cracks appear in that facade it can be shocking. With no perspective on the general unfairness of life a bit of unfairness really stings.

Your creed, paranoia and fear is frightening to me. Your lack of perspective is dangerous when aggregated over a movement. Do men suffer instances of injustice? Of course. Does that mean that feminist have "destroyed the family" made "marriage suicidal" that feminist are anti man or just filled with "Hate, Hate, Hate." No. That is the kind of language and creed that tends to be extremely dangerous when the most powerful group in society applies it to a less powerful group.