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cgod  ·  3232 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Jeb Bush tries to push the Pope out of Politics.

Yup, number one is big to some folks but not to most.

Most people don't know a hell of a lot about their religion and care even less.

Religions has become pretty personal in this day and age. You'll meet the people who think you are going to hell because you don't do what they do but not all that many. Earn your gold star for praising Jesus in the way which you do and it's hard enough to understand what you belive let alone try and figure out what the other guy does. I don't think many religions are still teaching the "Why Other Religions Are Wrong" unit.

In a way it's good, less friction. Back in the 17th century you could wipe out a city for Jesus and the people of that city could all be Christians. My sister is a raging Catholic, she's feeding homeless people, teaching the teens, collecting recyclables for god but knows nothing about her faith. I'm faithless but will still argue with anyone who cares about that the First Council of Nicaea is where it all hit the shitter. The differences of faith are interesting and if people are going to go through the bother they should at least give a fuck but they don't.

The Evangelicals differentiate a lot more than the rest. Their legalistic "accept Jesus Christ as your savior or go to hell!" shtick runs pretty strong. They do often stand apart but I don't think most of them understand much more than the legalistic dogma they get spoon fed.