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organicAnt  ·  3242 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hmm bacon!

    you are struggling against something you see as unjust or evil with a blind religious fervor that pushes you to alienate reasonable people like me

How humble of you to think of yourself as reasonable. I wonder who doesn't. In your mental contortion to attack me and ignore the subject you've overlooked a pretty important detail in your comparison -- religion is based on belief while veganism is based on facts. You accuse me of "blind religious fervour" but you're the one who follows the religion of carnism because you were indoctrinated into it while I consciously chose against it after being presented with facts.

Did it even cross your mind why would someone be prepared to stand up and take the avalanche of shit thrown at them by people like you? Did you wonder if they would do that if they didn't feel so strongly compelled that they are doing something so crucially important for humanity and the planet as a whole that it is worth the social suicide that comes with it and even necessary to ruffle some feathers sometimes? I don't know, it's just an idea.

    You seem to know a lot about me.

I know what it is like to be a meat eater. I was one. I know that it's not pleasant to have your beliefs challenged. But now I also know that it's necessary as time is not on our side.

    I don't know what picture I found threatening but I do know what an info graphic is and I know that a hog's head isn't bacon. [...] I know what an info graphic is and I know what it's function is, it isn't there to be cute, it's there to be informative.

Don't pretend to be a fool, you're too smart for that. You know too well that a bloody decapitated pig's head is the consequence of your bacon. And that the graphic wasn't posted to inform anyone about where bacon comes from but as a condescending joke and provocation. It was a hilarious joke in fact because you see, killing someone for no other reason than selfish pleasure is funny. In fact, particularly psychopaths find that fucking hilarious.

    So I called your nonsense out. It's really outside the debate on animal ethics, it really comes down to credibility, that which you shed when abandon careful use of ethos, pathos and logos in favor of hysterical snittyness.

Yes, absolutely, well done and congratulations for defending murder and using all of that precious brain power to distract yourself hatting me, while you could be educating yourself on how to live healthier while reducing pollution and resource use and eliminating unnecessary cruelty. If I'm the dumb one and I have figured this out, imagine what a smart guy/gal like you could do with it.

    I'm not here to tell you what to say but to maybe to clue you in to a better way of saying it.

Oh I see, that's completely different. So all you want is me to learn how to educate you. Aaah, now I get it, you're just being a nice friend kindly guiding me in the right direction. Boy am I lucky to have a friend like you. Service announcement, I am NOT your pet to tame.

    I really don't care if I persuade you to learn how to get people to listen to you, you're a hysterical spammer so filled with religious zeal that I would prefer you just went away.

Know that the inconvenience my shitty posts cause to your comfortable daily life, cannot be compared to the short lives of caged enslavement and pain you contribute to by consciously choosing to eat and wear beings that did nothing to you. Don't listen to me, use a bit of critical thinking, do some research and free yourself from the supremacist status quo that is killing billions and squandering resources while damaging our precious environment and your own health.

You can close your eyes and shut your ears and you may stop hearing from me, but you won't stop the wave that is coming. Ignorance in disguise of tradition and culture has ruled too long. The same energy that fought slavery, that fought for women's rights and blacks rights is now fighting against mindless and selfish cruelty. Vegans will not stop fighting for what's right. And deep down you know what is right. I hope one day you have the courage to act on it. Love you.