I'd bet dollars to donuts that Bush walks away in a landslide. By all accounts he's already won the so called invisible primary, and when push comes to shove, cranks almost never get elected. There are others in the race I wouldn't necessarily call cranks (Fiorina, Christy and Walker; although bear in mind that me referring to them as "not necessarily a crank" isn't an endorsement of their policies), but each has giant liabilities that will ensure they don't get elected. Walker is the only one of the three to have a chance, and the dude doesn't even have a college degree. Maybe that's a plus to some of the voter base, but I don't think the party leadership would be on board with it, not after the intellectual nightmare that was Mrs. Palin. That Bolton even still has any influence in the party scares me. His bomb first, ask questions later policy--the one he would oh so love to apply to Iran--was among the most failed policies that I can remember in my life.