I've said this before, and I'll say it again. I would be willing to donate on a monthly basis like I do for NPR. And I don't need to get anything for it. Seriously. I want my badges and my followers to come from the content I provide, and links that I share. I imagine that if the "active users" donated $1 per month, you'd have more than enough to pay for servers and some more stickers and stuff. I know that model will never pay the team a salary - but it would ease/remove some of your OPEX. I like hubski a lot. I come here for FREE? it's crazy and almost unthinkable. I would gladly pay for what I feel like is a service. And some day when I no longer find it useful, I would stop paying and stop logging in... but I don't see that any time soon. As a side note - for the love of all that is decent and holy, please don't use paypal. I love me some Elon Musk - but I seriously hate me some paypal fees. There must be a better way.