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Saydrah  ·  4702 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Not so fast on the KONY2012 thing. Please get the facts before you give.
Philosophically, I really don't think that (no matter how evil a person is) public pressure should be applied to force legislators to authorize the killing without charges of a foreign national who is not currently in any type of armed conflict with the US. I think international peacekeeping forces should seek to capture and try him, killing only if it proves impossible to arrest. But that's beside the point and obviously this guy is evil. But http://www.wtnh.com/dpps/news/politics/whitehouse/us-insists... as recently as last October, Obama sent troops to "capture or kill" Kony. A law passed in 2010 specifically commits the US to opposing LRA and helping Uganda recover from the destruction caused by LRA. I guess the filmmakers could quibble with the number of troops used and their roles, but then I get back to where I just don't really feel like it's okay for a private organization to use public pressure to antagonize the government into military action, especially when they're basically nitpicking at an action already being taken.

Remember when socially conscious movies were made to STOP wars, not to encourage more guns and glory to assassinate a single (admittedly incredibly evil) individual? This just reeks of military fetishism and the mentality that life is an action movie where there'll be no meaningful collateral damage no matter how many bombs you drop trying to get one guy. Obama got Bin Laden, and he wants Kony, he's sent troops after Kony, and I bet you that $10 back that he'll get Kony before 2016 if he is reelected. I believe he'd have done so without this "Kony 2012" thing, and I think the filmmakers will come out of this having enriched themselves and acquired fame at the expense of Africans who do not receive charitable dollars that donors (not you, but others) think are going to children in Uganda.