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kleinbl00  ·  3628 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Importance of 432Hz Music

This... is amazing.

So just for perspective, I was rawkin' along, about to go to bed, when I saw this:

    Our inner ear for example works on the basis of Phi dampening. The waters of our inner ears rely on Fibonacci spiral dampening through the seashell like structure of the cochlea to keep us feeling balanced, centred or grounded.

And I studied acoustics in college, and I don't recall "Phi dampening" but it's been a while, so, interesting.

    This Fibonacci spiral shape helps cancel out certain inertial standing wave interference patterns just like a Helmholtz resonator in order to keep us properly balanced with the natural environment around us.

And I went "Helmholtz resonators are entirely shape-independent." Area, volume, pressure, mass. But you know, this isn't an acoustics thing, it's a brain thing, so okay.

    Some experts maintain that if the cochlea was a straight cone, rather than a tightly-wound spiral, we would have no perception of the octave at all; all we would hear would be a series of successively rising tones.”

And here I start getting skeptical - wave acoustics is reversible which means if a transmitter will do it, a reciever will, too. This is why your car horn is all coiled up, and why you often see coiled subwoofers. For that matter, it's why brass instruments are coiled rather than being big long bugles. It's the Helmholtz equation again - all it gives a shit about is volume.

    DNA in its measurements of 21 by 34 angstroms suggests golden mean or Fibonacci structure. DNA can oscillate to protect itself from dissonant interference patterns of mechanical and electromagnetic waves.

And now for something completely different...


Did he... seriously just throw the word "Alchemy" into the mix like it ain't no thang?

    Fulcanelli, the mysterious french master alchemist who wrote ‘Le Mystère des Cathédrales’ had this to say about Saturn when he deciphered the planetary cyclic cross at Hendaye: “…Saturn, because it is at the greatest distance from the sun of all the visible planets, has the longest “year,” taking a little less than 30 years to complete one circuit of the zodiac. This makes it the best precessional timekeeper of all the planets.

Yes. Yes he did.

And it only gets more awesome from there.

This is a beautiful piece of outsider art. It's all kinds of crazy and great fun to read. It is not, however, particularly rigorous. I'm sure coffeesp00ns could talk more about it, but there's a really great article about equal temperament vs. well temperament that I'd hunt for if I weren't going to bed. There is a lot of argument that can be made for tunings other than A=440 and I find them kinda fascinating but to the best of my knowledge, none of them inject the crystal structure of DNA or the number of stones in Stonehenge. They certainly don't throw your buddy's trip toy in there. Which is kind of a shame. This thing looks awesome.

Unfortunately, while they sell all sorts of other groovy shit, they do not appear to sell Cymascopes.